Click on any of the links below for information that is pertinent to coaches.
Rule #1
Scheduled games are played unless inclement weather prevails.
Rule #2
Player conflicts are not recognized as legitimate reasons for game cancellation.
School or church functions where a large percentage of players have conflicts may be valid and may be accommodated, unless a large number of rainouts conflict with rescheduling. Then the game would be a forfeit.
Rule #3
Cancel a game if the field is nonplayable due to standing water, or they are unable to support the body weight of the players.
In the event of a cancellation, call the following people in this order:
- Umpire Coordinator
- League Vice President
- Opposing Team Manager if he/she not present
- Team Members
The home team manager is responsible for this procedure.
However, if the fields are under water and more rain is on the way, the visiting manager may get the procedure started.
The goal is to prevent as many people from coming to the ball park as possible, especially the umpires. If they show up and the game has been cancelled, they get paid. We need to prevent this needless expenditure.
Guidelines for Game Cancellation
- Soft playing field
- Raining presently on a soft field
- Lightning (leave field immediately with a game delay if you wish)
- Weather conditions not conducive to safe play
- Field conditions not conducive to safe play
- Common sense must prevail (don’t let a 14-year-old umpire call a game on you after the first pitch)
If the fields are nonplayable, the game is cancelled.
Playing on the grass is prohibited by the Wheaton Park District.
Rescheduling of Cancelled Games
A cancelled game must be rescheduled by the League Vice President as soon as possible. In theory, it would be perfect if they were rescheduled the following week. However, weather conditions, availability of umpires and availability of fields play a role in rescheduling.
Only League Vice Presidents and Presidents May Request Umpires
The Umpire Coordinator will not accept calls from managers requesting umpires. Your League Vice President or League President must make the arrangements.
Expectations Of the Coaches…
- Exemplify the highest moral character, behavior and leadership, adhering to strong ethical standards of integrity.
- Set a good example for players and spectators to follow.
- Shake hands with the officials and opposing coaches before or after the athletic contest.
- Display modesty in victory and be gracious in defeat.
- Teach sportsmanship.
- Respect the integrity and personality of the individual athlete.
- Set a good example by refraining from arguments and objectionable or profane language, physical gestures and behavior.
- Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials.
- Treat athletics with respect, avoid negative comments stated with sarcasm and ridicule.
- Praise players for participating.
- Set realistic and reasonable expectations.
- Emphasize teamwork and help participants think “we” instead of “me.”
Expectations Of Parents & Spectators…
- Remember athletics are learning experiences for children and that sometimes mistakes are made.
- When players are working hard, they need and deserve everyone’s best POSITIVE encouragement and support. They need to know you’re there and that their effort is appreciated.
- Be respectful, interested, enthusiastic, and supportive of opposing players, coaches and spectators.
- Respect the judgment and integrity of game officials.
- Control your emotions.
- Appreciates a good play no matter who makes it.
- Applauds positive performances; does not heckle, jeer or distract players.
- Recognize the efforts of all who participate in the contest.
- Respects the judgment and strategy of the coach and do not criticize players or coaches for a loss of a game.
- Do not coach players for the sidelines. Give players, coaches and referees room to work.
- Do not make negative comments about participants, coaches or officials.
- Support the program. Get involved by volunteering, helping with fundraisers, car-pooling or however else you can.
- Do not use profane or obscene language or gestures.
- Remember, IT IS ONLY A GAME! Don’t forget, your attitude on the sidelines can affect the mood and success of the team.
Expectations Of the Player…
- Learn and know the rules of the sport in which you are participating.
- Treat opponents as you would like to be treated.
- Do not make negative comments about opposing participants, coaches or officials.
- Respect the judgment and integrity of game officials.
- Do not use profane or obscene language or gestures.
- Always remember that it is a privilege to represent the park district and community.
Expectations Of the Official…
- Knows the rules and their interpretations.
- Places welfare of the participants above all other considerations.
- Treats players and coaches courteously and demands the same from them.
- Works cooperatively with fellow officials, timers and / or scorers for an efficient contest.
- Is fair and firm in all decisions, never compensating for a previous mistake.
- Maintains confidence, poise and self-control from start to finish.
Evaluation forms are sent to Team Managers.
For more information, please contact Dana Mitchell by email or call 630-510-5133.
We are all committed to provide high quality, safe-playing surfaces for our multi-use athletic ball fields, but we need the help and consideration of all user groups in protecting the turf/infield from excessive damage due to game and practice activities. The turf/infield is the safety surface for the athletic fields. If any of the following conditions occur scheduled games and practices must be canceled or postponed.
Ball Field Use Guidelines:
- Standing water on the field of play.
- Soil Saturation:
- Walking on turf/infield causes water to surface
- Walking on turf/infield on heels causes indentions
- Steady downpour of rain during/on game or practice day, which could cause damage to turf/infield or injury to participant
- Audible thunder or visible lightning
- Visibility (darkness)
These policies and procedures are developed and reviewed by the Wheaton Park District Youth Baseball/Softball (WPDYBS) Board of Control.
- Bylaws (PDF)
- Policies & Procedures (PDF)
In the event of lightning or thunder, all games and practices must be held up until safe conditions are apparent. You must wait 30 minutes after the last sighting of lightning.
Treat thunder like lightning. Thunder is the explosive sound emitted as a result of the electrical discharge of lightning.
Any team(s) not adhering to this policy will face the following consequences:
- In a game situation, both teams will be credited with a loss. Each manager will receive a written warning from the League Vice President.
- In a practice situation, the team manager will receive a written warning from the League Vice President.
- If any manager receives more than one written warning, he/she will be removed immediately as manager of that team.
- Appeals may be made to the Wheaton Park District Youth Baseball/Softball Board of Control.
How to Post Schedules, Standings and Brackets:
All files submitted must be in Excel format and ready to post to the website, files will not be reformatted. Submit updates to: [email protected]. Updates are typically made within 24 hours.
How to name your files:
Coed Leagues | |
PreK_TBall.xls | |
Baseball Leagues | Softball Leagues |
BB_TBall.xls | SB_Inst1.xls |
BB_CP.xls | SB_A.xls |
BB_Instr.xls | SB_AA.xls |
BB_A.xls | SB_AAA.xls |
BB_AA.xls | SB_Majors.xls |
BB_AAA.xls | SB_HS.xls |
BB_Majors.xls | SB_College.xls |
BB_Pony.xls |
If your Ball Field’s Equipment Box does not have a complete stock of two (2) bags of Turface, please contact:
Athletic Department
Wheaton Park District
Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm
Ph: 630-690-4880
Turface Use Policy:
- No more than two (2) bags of TURFACE should be used on any single playing field.
- Do not remove turface from other ball field equipment boxes.
- Turface is only to be used on dirt infields.
- The turface product is intended for use on that of damp infields in high traffic areas (i.e. bases and mound) and should not be used if the soil saturation covers a majority of the field as referred to in the Field Use Guidelines.
- Turface should be spread over damp area in thin layer to help to cover the most square feet.
- Turface should then be worked into the soil by raking the effected area to help dry and level. Raking/scraping other affected areas of the field without turface also helps the field dry and become playable.
- Turface is not to be used in dugouts.
- Coaches are encouraged to fill any holes and low spots of the infield after their games and/or practices. This will allow for better drainage in the event of ran and will prevent low spots from collecting water and becoming over saturated.
- All used turface bags should be discarded in the nearest garbage can.
- Please report use of turface to the Athletic Department so field equipment boxes can be replenished.
- No more than two (2) bags of TURFACE should be needed to make an unplayable field – playable.

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Wheaton Park District
1777 S Blanchard St
Wheaton, IL 60189
Ph: 630-668-3371
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