Jerseys & Equipment
1. Wheaton Park District universal soccer jerseys and shin guards are required and must be purchased by participants
2. Shin Guards must be covered by long FIFA regulation socks.
3. FIFA Regulation: It is required that socks must completely cover the shin guards. An exception to the sock requirement: if shin guards are the type that pulls on similar to a sock, then the sock requirement will be waived.
4. All-purpose athletic soccer shoes with rubber cleat or gym shoes
5. Hoodies may be worn under jerseys on cold days
6. Jewelry, watches, or any objects that could cause injury may not be worn during a game. Exceptions: Medical ID Bracelets and newly pierced ears that are taped. Parents will be responsible for any medical issues associated with taped pierced ears.
1. Wheaton Park District universal soccer jerseys and shin guards are required and must be purchased by participants
2. Shin Guards must be covered by long FIFA regulation socks.
3. FIFA Regulation: It is required that socks must completely cover the shin guards. An exception to the sock requirement: if shin guards are the type that pulls on similar to a sock, then the sock requirement will be waived.
4. Flat athletic shoes are required; spikes, street shoes or boots will not be allowed.
5. Jewelry, watches, or any objects that could cause injury may not be worn during a game. Exceptions: Medical ID Bracelets and newly pierced ears that are taped. Parents will be responsible for any medical issues associated with taped pierced ears.