Adult Athletic Leagues & Programs

Visit the online registration portal for details about programs currently offered.

Programs types commonly offered for adults are listed below.

Actual programs may vary due to the number of participants and the season.

For more information on Open Gym opportunities please contact Cody Nelson, Athletic Manager, at 630-510-5099.

For more information on Open Gym opportunities please contact Cody Nelson, Athletic Manager, at 630-510-5099.

For more information on pickleball classes, leagues, and lessons please contact Cody Nelson, Athletic Manager, at [email protected].

Adult Softball Leagues

The Wheaton Park District offers several Adult Softball Leagues that begin in early May. Further information concerning registration may be obtained by calling the Community Center at 630-690-4880. Teams from last year are given first priority for registration.

Men’s 16” Softball League

Men, Ages 18 & over
Starting Date: Beginning of May
Ending Date: Early August
Location: Graf Park (Field #4 and #5)
Game Times: 6:30P, 7:30P, 8;30P, 9:30P
Game Day: Monday
Number of Games: 10 games plus a single elimination tournament
League Make-Up: Men Age 18 & over
Number of Teams: Minimum 4/Maximum 12
Estimated Fee: $675/team*
Provided: Game Ball, Umpire, Scorebook, Rule Book
Rosters: Minimum of 14/Maximum of 20

*Price Subject to change without notice.

For more information and current fees, contact Darrell Houston, Athletic Manager, at 630-510-5129.

Private lessons are available for individuals and groups of two or more. Classes are taught by a certified tennis instructor of the participant’s choice.

For more information or to obtain current schedules, please call the Community Center at 630-690-4880.

Looking for Athletic Leagues or Programs for 50+ Active Adults?

Contact Megann Panek at 630-510-5030 or email at [email protected]

Service Animal Policy

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Wheaton Park District allows service animals to access most public areas within its property. The district may impose restrictions on service animals as it deems necessary for safety reasons.


A service animal, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, refers to any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task performed must be directly related to the person’s disability.

Service animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless the device interferes with the animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. The patron must remain in control of the animal at all times.

Additionally, service animals must possess and maintain current immunizations common to that specific class of animal. The service animal must wear or display all tags required by law or local ordinance, such as identification or rabies tags.

For more information about the Wheaton Park District and the ADA, see Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities.


Please contact Michael J. Benard, Wheaton Park District Executive Director and ADA Compliance Officer at [email protected].

Outdoor Athletic Area Rentals

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Athletic Department
Wheaton Park District
1777 S Blanchard St
Wheaton, IL 60189
Ph: 630-690-4880

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